Lock Boxes

Lock Boxes

Lock Boxes In partnership with the Sun Lakes Fire District; Neighbors Who Care volunteers install lock boxes for clients and non-clients.

Case Management

Case Management Our Case Manager provides the following: Professional case management to our clients, their families, and the community. Assessment of client’s needs and appropriate referrals to other agencies when a client or family requests help in an area not...
Van Transportation

Van Transportation

Van Transportation Volunteer van drivers provide approved clients with transportation service to grocery stores and select other stores within NWC service area on certain days of the week*. All volunteer van drivers are certified with AARP driver safety class prior to...
Shopping & Errands

Shopping & Errands

As aging seniors reach a point in their lives where they can no longer drive, shopping for groceries and running errands can become increasingly difficult. That’s why our Shopping & Errands service is so important to help our aging seniors remain...
Dinner Delivery Service

Dinner Delivery Service

Dinner Delivery Service Volunteers deliver an evening meal to home-bound or physically challenged clients for either short term or ongoing needs. The meals paid for by the clients, are available Monday through Friday. Meals range in cost from $4-$7 and are prepared by...