Van Service
If you or a loved one is homebound and unable to drive, Neighbors Who Care offers a vital service to assist our homebound seniors. As seniors age and are no longer able to drive, simple tasks such as grocery shopping and running errands can become challenging and overwhelming.
Our van service provides reliable transportation to various stores ensuring that homebound seniors can maintain their independence and quality of life. Our volunteer drivers are certified with the AARP driver safety class, providing peace of mind for clients and their families.

How often is the Van Services offered?
Our Van Service runs weekly with one trip to Frys and one to WalMart. *Please call the office for the van transportation schedule.
What is the cost?
The Van Service is absolutely free. We rely on our team of volunteers and donations to help care for our aging seniors.
Where do I start?
If you or a loved one requires transportation and lives in the Neighbors Who Care’s service area, you or your loved one may be eligible for the Van Service from our dedicated volunteers.
Call Neighbors Who Care 480-895-7133 or visit our Become a Client page.
How can I help?
If you are wanting to be a volunteer and help with our Van Service, sign up to join the NWC volunteer team.