On October 22, 2024, Realtors Who Care, a collection of more than 30 local realtors who do business in Sun Lakes and the south Chandler area, treated Neighbors Who Care clients to a lunch and some games and interaction.
This is the third year this group has set aside three days a year where they provide lunch, games, gifts, social interaction, and dessert to clients who no longer drive and do not get out to connect much with others. They even transport the group to whatever venue they arrange to host it.
The last outing was in the spring when the Realtors Who Care hosted a movie day for clients in Oakwood ballroom. In December, the group will host its third annual holiday luncheon for the clients. Each year, this lovely luncheon includes Christmas carols, gifts, a catered holiday meal, and sweets for everyone.
“We love our partnership with Realtors Who Care,” beamed Sheryl Keeme, Executive Director. With the help of these generous business people, being able to offer a few opportunities each year for folks to connect is as important as the access to medical appointments and dinner delivery our volunteers provide.”