Living in Mindfulness: The De-stressing Health Benefits of Meditation and Mindfulness

Join Our 2024 FREE Aging Made Easier Summer Speaker Series!

We’re excited to invite you to our third session of this summer’s FREE Aging Made Easier Speaker Series with an amazing lineup of speakers. Come join us at Chandler’s The Park at Copper Creek and cool off while learning something new!

Our expert speakers will provide valuable insights and tips on preparing for the very best life today and as we grow older. Whether you’re a senior or caregiver, or have a parent who is, this event is perfect for anyone interested in being better prepared for getting older.

Neighbors Who Care and The Park at Copper Creek are proud to be offering these topics and esteemed speakers to the community, free of charge. The next session will be offered from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm, including the Q&A, on Thursday, June 20th.

Offering Third of Four Sessions:

Living in Mindfulness: The De-stressing Health Benefits of Meditation and Mindfulness

Many people complain about being unable to quiet their mind when trying to meditate. Stefanie will discuss the benefits of becoming more present, and how to do so through mindfulness. She also will discuss the benefits of meditation to reduce stress, become healthier, and, ultimately, more content.

 July 18
⏰ 2:00 PM
The Park at Copper Creek 901 S 94th St, Chandler, AZ 85224

Reservations are FREE but requested. Please register on Eventbriteemail Sheryl or call 480-895-7133 X170

Stefanie Cary, La Frontera, Prevention Specialist

Stefanie is an 8-year employee at the behavioral health agency, La Frontera EMPACT. She is originally from Cedar Rapids, Iowa,and currently lives in Chandler with her partner, son, and kitty. 

Following a period of ill health in her 20’s, Stefanie began looking for more holistic approaches to diet and healing. She is now acertified reiki practitioner at the master level, and a mindfulness teacher of 10 years. 

In her role at La Frontera EMPACT, she leads a group called “Living in Mindfulness” at the Chandler Senior Center every Tuesday.

Stefanie Cary, as she talks about the health benefits of meditation and how mindfulness techniques can decrease stress in day-to-day living. Stefanie has taught a mindfulness group to seniors at the Chandler Senior Center for the last 4.5 years, bringing participants together to learn new, positive life perspectives and build community through learning.”