Discover the Impact of Our Community’s Support on NWC in 2024

Neighbors Who Care Celebrates 30 Years in 2024!

Let us help you learn more about who we are…

Have you ever wondered where the dollars that are contributed to Neighbors Who Care go or exactly how many people we help regularly?

At Neighbors Who Care, every dollar donated directly supports our mission of helping seniors age in place with dignity and independence.  As Neighbors Who Care celebrates thirty years of operation and service to Sun Lakes and south Chandler, we wanted to share some details about who we are and how we operate. Believe it or not, there are still folks around who have not heard of us or who do not fully understand what we do and how we do it.

Neighbors Who Care volunteers help neighbors who might otherwise lose their independence or be forced to transfer to a facility. Each week, our office is busy with staff and volunteers fielding requests from our clients–all share a collective passion in helping our neighbors. 

Neighbors Who Care’s Office of staff employees and volunteers:

  • Supports our client requests for service every Monday through Friday
  • Matches our volunteers to thousands of requests, every single year
  • Runs the business, pays the bills, and addresses hundreds of questions and inquiries
  • Responds to potential volunteers’ inquiries and orients an average of seven to 12 new volunteers each month
  • Responds to referrals from individuals, neighbors, doctors, and family to become clients
  • Offers triage to other aging resources for aging neighbors 
  • Assesses potential clients and offers a weekly support group for caregivers 
  • Sponsors regular free education offerings throughout our service area and Chandler 
  • Coordinates 1000s of hot meals nearly 260 days of every year 

Why does Neighbors Who Care offer FREE AGING EDUCATION?

With 30 years behind us in 2024, the Neighbors Who Care veteran volunteers and boards poured decades of good will into the NWC mission and name. Thankfully, we are often invited to share our mission and message. These speaking and event opportunities almost always equate into new volunteer applicants! Neighbors Who Care also sponsors many education events throughout the year at various locations with many of our partners and vetted speakers that we know, like, and trust. 

Where does the money go?

We are not only obligated to spend donor dollars wisely as a 501 c 3 charity, we are committed to it! As stewards of the contributions we receive, our board and executive directors have consistently run a tight ship. Not only is it smart to spend wisely, our lean operations also position us for dollars from foundations and other grant sources. We’re so proud of the solid footing we have maintained in our finances and we continue to be transparent about how we invest the very generous contributions our community sends us. 

If you are interested offering us your feedback, ideas, or thoughts relative to helping homebound seniors age in place, or would like to learn how to become a volunteer, please send an email to Sheryl Keeme HERE.