Tools for Living with Dementia: “Dementia…NOW WHAT?”

“When did this all happen? How did I NOT see the changes?”

When we’re told we have “Mild Cognitive Impairment” or hear the words “Alzheimer’s” or “Early Stage Dementia” – we get scared for obvious reasons. No one typically sits down with us and outlines what to expect in our day-to-day life with someone who is beginning a journey with dementia.

Where do you start?

Understanding what you or your loved one will be experiencing and how that will affect both your world and theirs is fundamental in figuring out the best ways to handle the changes you both will be experiencing.

JOIN US for this FREE event!

Thursday, July 20th
1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Sun Lakes United Methodist Church, 9248 E. Riggs Road, Sun Lakes

Presenter: Elaine Poker-Yount, CDP
Director of Dementia Care, Visiting Angels East Valley
Co-Chair, Dementia Friendly Sun Lakes

PLEASE RSVP so we have enough materials for all – space is limited!
EMAIL: or Call or Text 480-203-8548
***RSVP with your name, email and phone number

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