How to Start Making Changes to Make Aging Easier

It’s no secret that growing older brings natural changes that affect nearly every part of our bodies. It’s also not surprising our lifestyle and the choices we make in middle age have a significant impact on us in later life. (Learn more on NIH.)

The first step to aging well is to accept you are indeed aging. Let’s face it, being in denial won’t stop you from aging. Instead, educate yourself so you can be prepared to deal with what may come your way. 

At Neighbors Who Care, we strive to help all aging seniors get the most out of life. One way we do this is to educate you by offering blog posts, classes and conferences throughout the year.

Join us for our FREE 2nd annual conference!

Aging Made Easier: Straight talk about aging well—BEFORE you need it!
Tuesday, January 31, 2023, 8:30am – Noon

This conference will give you numerous ways to help you age well:

  • Lin Sue Flood will give your tips on how to keep everyone healthier, longer.
  • Dr. Todd Hurst will help you add 12-14 healthy years to life
  • Dr. Sunny Niazi will offer a comprehensive approach to treating Afib. 
  • Jennifer Pitt can help you fight senior scams.
  • Katie Brennaman will talk about long term care in Arizona.

WAIT. THERE’S MORE! We will also have numerous senior venders waiting to help answer your questions and offer ways to help you age easier! It’s all FREE but you do need to register. Click here for more information and to save your seat.

Looking for more little choices to help make aging easier? Follow us on social media or read our blog, you will see we give little choices you can make that can help make aging easier!

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