

What You Don’t Know About Getting Older

Tawnya Williams- Christensen

Connection: The Key to Wellness

Connection is Key to Wellness, understanding why connecting with others is so important to our Wellness. Sharing some interesting statistics on the effects of Isolation, as well as understanding why connecting to our essence is so powerful in aging well.

Tawnya Williams- Christensen

Assisted Living Director, Social Services Director
Fellowship Square

Tawnya is a native of Mesa, Arizona, where she was born and raised. Tawnya is honored to follow in the footsteps of her parents, whom both serve in the senior living industry.

With over 33 years serving seniors, Tawnya has been fortunate to work in every department of senior housing. From Housekeeper to Executive Director, she has experienced it all.

Tawnya earned her Assisted Living Managers License in 2010. She is a Paul Harris Rotarian and an Arizona Leading Age Fellow.
Due to the caregiver shortage, Tawnya has also chosen to be an Adult Education Instructor with EVIT, East Valley Institute of Technology teaching Caregiving Classes.

In 2014, Tawnya was certified by the National Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners as a Certified Alzheimer's and Dementia Instructor.

Tawnya is currently serving Fellowship Square-Mesa as their Assisted Living Director. She oversees the Services and Care for 130 Residents, their Families, and her Staff.

She is a Certified Dementia Care Manager where her Assisted Living Managers License is active at Reflections at Fellowship Square – Mesa, a memory care community focused on Resident Directed Care and Comfort.

In 2015, Tawnya was introduced to Comfort Matters from The Beatitudes Campus, Living better with Dementia and the approaches to helping those with Brain Failure thrive. Tawnya has been inspired by not only approaching those with brain failure correctly on their terms their way but also realizing that pain management is key to their success.

In 2018, Tawnya earned her accreditation for Reflections in Comfort Matters from the Beatitudes Campus, Living Better with Dementia.

In 2020, Tawnya was certified as a Positive Approach to Care Instructor, and believes positive approaches to care is the miracle needed to providing comfort to the aging.

In 2021, Tawnya started building the Fellowship Square-Mesa Training Center where she offers classes to help sharpen her Caregiver skills; First Aid and CPR, Comfort Matters, Positive
Approach to Care, Medication Management, Proper ADL approaches, Expectations of a Successful Caregiver, The 5 Love Languages.

There is nothing more important to Tawnya than building relationships and empowering those around her.

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